April 18, 1997

"Clearing webs from a hovel...."

First Entry

Second Entry

Damn I'm beat.

Just finished a major site reorginzation. You ever done that?? It can break all kinds of links and does. I remember reading one of Maggy's diary entries about her diary reorg. At the time, I thought I had it down and that I had avoided the same mistake. Wrong.

So I'm thinking to myself, why not see if you can download a beta or trial version of some site management software. So I do.

Thank God for Adobe and SiteMill!!!! It saved my ass!!! Other than the time I spent cleaning up a bunch of dead links from other places in the site, and from deleting graphics I didn't think I was using, the reorg went pretty smooth due to the stuff SiteMill can do. I did manage to screw up half a dozen times though, but they were pretty easily dealt with. Now after I finish this entry I have to get back online and delete my entire site and upload 6MB's files. Oh joy. But, with the state the things is/was in, it has to be done. I had been dinking around with it with no plan since last March and that's a long time not to clean things up.

I had downloaded DeltaPoint's QuickSite before SiteMill to see if it could do what I needed. It couldn't. It won't (at least as far as I was able to see) import an existing site and build a map from there. It looks like it would build a really super cool site from scratch but that ain't what I needed. So SiteMill. Took a bit to figger out the interface, but then I'm the self-described interface king...right? yeah....

After all was said and done, I went and checked to make sure everything was right. And I reread my entries from waaaaayyyyy back. What a long strange trip it's bean. I remember writing all that but it seems like it was somebody else's life. Like I was there but not. Am I am astounded that I lived through it. I was there. It wasn't much fun. The thing that caught my eye was when I first started anti-depressant's and thought that it was going to be pretty smooth sailing from there. Wrong. It got worse. And I thought that I didn't need that much therapy. Wrong again sailor. I learned one thing last week with my therapist. He said that bi-polar people have at least three methods of going into an episode. Chemical (neurotransmitters), emotional history and learned behavior. The third caught me off guard. But it makes sense. If at work, the defensive mechanism of fear and pain avoidance kicks in from something in your childhood (point 2) then you learn to be manic at work to avoid bad things. So, the onion got a little bigger with that insight. And I learned other things that right now I'm too tired to remember.

I got four hours of sleep every night this week and I'm whacked. The 4/17 entry was written late on 4/16 and this entry is being composed at 10.59P on 4/17. Sue me. Got some good tutelage from a webster I know at work (thanks James) on the subject of Frames. Aaccch!! Ptooh!!! Why am I thinking about them?? All I know is that after what he showed me, I know that I do NOT want to do them. Why bother?? I like this interface better. At work on an intranet for information and communication, it seems to work better. But for here and other sites, frames just bite.

Just cracked my knuckles which made me remember that Colette does not like to hear cracked knuckles. Got to change that behavior. And I don't mind...much. When I was in elementary school, our school Janitor (who went by the name of Sebo for some strange reason) had these two monstrous knuckles on his right hand. He said he got them from cracking his knuckles. Someone long past also told me that it causes degeneration of the joint lining. That I believe. But it still feels and sounds good. :-)

And I think I got paid today...maybe...sort of ...possibly. Yesterday I wrote I found and extra amount in my checking account. Well, unless work is paying two days ahead, I have some more money in my account. And after no pay for 3 months, it's welcome change. We'll see tomorrow whether or not it's true.

Enough of this. Upload I must....

Peace and love to ya.

It's the only thing we get to take with us and the easiest to take with us.

Be Joyous!


<Smoking a Marlboro Light, drinking Sunny Delight and kicking back.>

"a blistered hand on the handle of a shovel."

..... Much, Much Later .....

Give me strength. After watching the modem flicker for three hours whilst I loaded my site all over again 3,000 miles down the Coast and listening to a continuous loop of 5 Hysteria tunes sitting slack-jawed in front of my monitor with this glazed look on my face it mercifully ended.

I then set out to check up on all my journalistas and guess what? It's welcome to the Gulag Wars!!! Hoo hoo hooo hoooo.... It is to laugh.

And to top it all off, everyone has done some serious redesigning, apparantly purchased a slew of the latest 3rd Generation HTML editors (I too fit comfortably into this niche) and discovered (or decided to use....all at once) the FONT FACE tag. I ran into so many new looks on my favorite journals that I thought my Font table had gotten whacked or I had done something to Netscape. Not so. After viewing source I realized that a wave had gone through OpenPages whilst I was doing things other than surfing. I'll catch the next one ... maybe.

It just occurred to me that I have gotten a life!!! That's why I missed the latest soap opera and OpenPage tsunami. Colette, work, exercise, eating right, sleeping right (okay I lied on that one) and catching up with old friends constitutes a life. F****** amazing.

So here I sit at 2.39A finishing up for the day after having worked 8 at my paying job and another 10 at this nonsense and having drunk two pots of coffe and smoked a pack of ML's. I have seriously got to see Colette tomorrow. Given both our states right now a good nap once we get back here will be in order.

Do you ever get that bass line from StarTrek running in your head? Like when Spock is mind-melding someone?? Plus there is this riff from Ironsides that I sometimes end up running a couple million times ... "From the day you're born, to the day you die. You're lucky if they hear you ... even when you cry ... even when you cry". Usually they played it during an OD scene or a suicide clean-up. Well what do you expect at 2.54A???

Love and huggies and warmies and blowies and bities and fuzzy, furry monster feet slippers ya'll.

Copyright ©1996, 1997 A.T.Green. All Rights Reserved.