April 17th, 2003

What's New

Wellll...what HASN'T changed is more like it. I am now back in Richland, WA..unemployed. The Bushies are waging an illegal ware on Iraq, DOE is not doing shit which explains my unemployed state, I have a Kawasaki Concours motorcycle, I have 5 computers (two Dual XP1800's, one single XP1800, an iMac Rev A and a B&W 450 G3 mac). I've just cut back over to Macintosh after being in BeOS and Linux for the last years. Mac just works and Be is still not in a place to replace it. I have the computers as I participate in Distributed Computing projects such as Distributed Folding and OGR for Team FreeDC.

I'm back using Symantec's Visual Page which I had to buy off eBay for $5 :) Good money well spent. I love this program and even after, at least, five years..I'm still able to wrangle it around with little problems. Now, never was that hard to use but it's nice to see I haven't lost my memory yet. I still have the journal at chinasaur.livejournal.com as well as this one here at hobbiton.

I obviously haven't updated the look of the site but I will get around to at least putting in a look for the diary pages. This one is a bit long in the tooth. I looked at the Wayback machine to see if it had cached the pages I lost in late 1998 but it hadn't. Those were the pages from when I was the most depressed and it's a shame I lost them.

What's On My Mind

The war in Iraq, the loss of civil liberties under the current facist regime, the corporatization of the US, the loss of moral authority we had, the shame I feel when seeing my countrymen justify war elsewhere after Iraq, the eerie ties between Bush and Hitler and how they justified their incursions, and the whole downward spiral we find ourselves in. .

That's enough for now. We'll see if I ever update this again...although I rather feel I will


Damn right it was made on a mac web badge