October 20, 1996

I saw a Werewolf drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vic's....

It's back to those lazy hazy early days of the Internet...oh about 2 years ago....that we go today with our grey background. Maybe I'll go to a new background next time...hmmmm...

Today I'm just lazing around. I've been on fast forward for the last 5 days. I put in ten hours of overtime in my first week, and could be working today for some more, but I'm gonna preserve my sanity. And, as someone yesterday said "Hey! We got four more years on this project...let's not kill ourselves!". Good idea man. Been meeting a bunch of people I used to enjoy working with, and it seems will be working with again. I used to have this really evil attitude about people I worked with. Kinda like me vs. them sort of thing. Especially about yearly bonuses and raises. Now I'm a lot easier to get along with, and people seem friendlier. Funny huh? :-) It took me a while to wise up, grow up, ease up, but I think I'm getting there.

Houston, we have sun! Been raining for two weeks straight (or so it seems) so today it is bright and blue and fluffy white coulds scudding around. I think it's still snowing in the passes which can only mean one thing....skiing! It snowed there Friday and yesterday so opening day is not far off. I think we are in for a really good winter this year. Epic proportions type.

Been not feeling up to writing lately. Or maybe, not feeling the need to write. While I was not working and not getting out, posting this diary was a sort of interaction with others...twisted, sick, sad and demented....but interaction of a sort nonetheless. Now, however, that I am getting all the interaction I can stand on a daily basis, I feel the need (at this point I am hit with the overwhelming urge to include the oft quoted riff from Top Gun but will refrain)
to get some back off time. Regroup so to speak. And sitting down to rehash the days events is not on the agenda. I'm interested to see how this plays out. Is it just first week shock at being back at a major corp after 4 years? Is it exhaustion? Is it dementia? Dr. Dementooo, Dr. Dementoooo...how many of you boys and girls remember the good Dr.? Been a while hasn't it? Is he still on anywhere? Let me know eh?

I am feeling up though. Evidence to support this is that the aprtment is fairly orderly, the last of my clothes are being beaten into submission by the washing machine, the windowsand blinds are open to admit the sun and fresh air, and I'm not out cathartically buying something. Progress! And I haven't bought a pack of cigarettes in so long I can't remember when it was. You may see that I didn't say I hadn't smoked since then...only one or two bummed. Which is also progress. Still have that benzene metallic nicotine/tar/yech flavor in my mouth that from experience takes months to go away. Oh well.

Thanks for stopping by and chatting. I get so few visitors here at Villa Straylight these days since we got cut off from the rest of the torus and drug out to this parking orbit......Z!

Ya'll keep writing your journals. It's kinda like bein in the middle of a giant conversation at which you can only hear one person at a time.


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...and his hair was perfect.Ha! Draw Blood!