November 4, 1996

"All those moments...lost in time..."

Gettin really strange here at Weird Centeral...Now I've done it!

I got that old walls closin in on me blackness on the edge of my brain kind of feelin back again an a'm jes settin here....lookin........

Can't see no today...can't see no tomorrow....plainly can't see nothing t'all...



Done been honest. Done been shunned. Been there, been done like that.....don't do me like that...

Rejoice fellow maniacs! The world IS crazy!

What do you get for lifting up that big nasty black rock? Breaking open that old rotten deadfall with all those squirmy things inside? Opening the door to that dark place and turning on the light? Think you get a brownie point? Think it gets easier to deal? Think you got it sussed? Think everything's gonna be OK and now I don't have to worry anymore cause I done faced the @#$& and it were turrible but I made it through so now the world owes me something? Is that what you're thinking?

W R O N G!!!!!!

It doesn't get any better. It just makes what your fighting that much more visible......

.......oh goody.

I can feel it back there...breathing....waiting for me to slip up.

But that's the deal with knowing what you're fighting. You learn to take precautions. You learn to take care of yourself. You learn to be honest.

Honesty above everything else. Everything. No matter what the cost.

So, if you get burned after being honest, well, that's tough, but that's life. Pick up and drive on.

So, off to dinner and a good nights sleep and rest much needed.

I wish for all of you the very best that you can have and be in this life.

God Bless!

HellocourseIknowit's cryptic! But then you'd know everything! That's a little too much honesty for me! Gotta have one secret to walk around with ya know! Sheesh.....

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"Like rain"