May 17, 1997

"It's time to play scary noises...."

So...another Saturday. We were going to Port Angeles today but we woke up an hour and a half later than planned and all of a sudden Colette wants to stay home and go over Memorial Day weekend. No explanation, no discussion, nothing. Things are not good in Bagdhad these days.

One more thing....I am not going down with this ship. And Amanda - No, we will probably not be beating you to the finish line.

Bean pretty quiet these days. Work has settled down into a routine that is repetitive if not boring. But, it's what I do and I enjoy it most of the time so I can't complain. The pay is good and the commute is good so things aren't bad. We had a week of beautiful weather which I couldn't be out in. The skylights in our building allow you to see everything that you can't be out enjoying, but at least you can see blue skies and sunshine. It brightens up the whole building.

We haven't been out looking at apartments yet. Which is not good. Both of us in this small space is a friction experiment. Who can stand getting rubbed the wrong way the longest. Since we are not going to go away for the weekend, this is the perfect time for hunting up a new place.

That's it.

Be Joyous!


<Coffee and a contemplative mood>

"I think this is it girls...I really do."

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