July 15, 1997

"Toss and Turn, I spin and learn,"

What's On My Mind

Today was just absolutely great. I was a complete zombie yesterday due to no sleep. I got about 8 or 9 hours last night and I needed it. I'm not really into doing the all-nighters anymore. I just don't have the desire or the energy to do that kind of stuff anymore. I guess I'm not manic enough for it. I know I'm getting too old for it anyway. Anyway, zoomed around and got lots of stuff done. Typed up a great position paper and had a great meeting. Met with the rest of my new group (finally) and on the surface there seems to be no problem there. We'll see. Did get some good coordination going. Have yet to meet my two ultimate customers. Will do that tommorrow. Have to remember to dress for success. Tie and nice slacks and nice shoes. Only one problem. Bhudda Belly syndrome. C used to call it my Bhudda Belly. I need to tone up my gut.

I had a major victory today at work. We had put together a template of activities for scheduling and finally got it approved and straightened out the reporting structure for higher levels. Gave more leeway to the worker bees and everyone agreed that since we are still in the preliminary phase, we can afford a little gray in our reporting structure and let everyone accept that things will mutate and change before it's all done. What a nice feeling.

Haven't heard from some on-line diarists I have gotten to know by email and over the phone for some time. I wonder if it was something I said. Or failed to say. Don't know. At any rate, I haven't heard from them. Maybe their lives are just getting more interesting. That would be a good thing. Took me a long time but most of the sites out there are pretty much the same. A lot of cynicism and funky HTML and Java and frames. Style without content is still style without content. Now I ain't saying that I have great style going here (frankly, I use canned template provided by VisualPage) or great content; but at least it is content. Not fluff.

I'm thinking about eating some Rice and Chicken microwave things C bought. I ate one last night and it was pretty good. Should I? I think I will. Be right back. Okay. It's cooking. Ever seen metal in a microwave? It makes really neat sparks and tornado-like lightening votices that are really pretty cool. Too bad it screws up the Klystron unit. Course, if that is what you're after, then you get what you wanted don't you?

What's New...

C showed up last night at around 9.15P to get her stuff. No call. No apology for waking me up, no nothing. Just "I'm here to get my stuff." Well, Okay. So she did. Wouldn't really talk to me and answered no questions. Just got her stuff and left. So I stayed up long enough to checke mail (got some!) and surf a bit and then go back to sleep. Thankfully. So anyway, her stuff is gone and I can get down to the business of getting my bank account back into the comfortably black zone and saving some money. Plus, I need to get my MasterCard™ balance back down from the Troposphere. No shit. I've been hovering around my maximum balance since April and I need to get that sucker paid off.

I'm smoking Doral UltraLights™ and looking forward to when the last pack is gone. I plan to quit then. I feel pretty good about it. It doesn't cause me any anxiety. I smoke only one or two during the day anyway and go batshit during the night and in the morning so it will be good to stop. And, by smoking UltraLights at the end, I will have less nicotine in my system at the end. Hopefully. Anyway, studies have shown that anti-depressants have helped people to stop smoking and since I already take them, I should be okay. I've stopped cold turkey before for up to 2.5 years but always went back. Hopefully, with my new outlook and basically new response system to stress, I can stay quit. MP is also talking about quitting so we can encourage each other. Go for it MP!!!!!!!

I picked up some beers on the way home. Kinda weird after all the past stuff isn't it? Maybe not. Thankfully, I don't have that specific addictive gene. I have my own so I don't look down on those who have it. We all have our ways of hiding if we don't watch it. Got the Girls first CD on. Tasty stuff. ***Later*** Ok..I finished the chick 'o veggie thingo. Not too bad. A lot of pepper in it. I guess to cover up the essential blandness of microwaveable food. Last night I ran out of sweet things for dessert so I opened up a package of brownie mix and chowed down on a few cups of that. Pretty good. Like eating hot chocolate mix. No wonder I have a Bhudda Belly eh?

Be Joyous!

Email Me The kid in Jerry McGuire says your head weights 8.8lbs...tell me someting I don't know.

<An Old Milwaukee Ice™ and a smoke or two...>

"catch yourself before you burn."

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