August 11, 1997

"Aqualung my friend..."

What's New...

Went out Saturday and bought a scooter. I got sick of walking in from Russia to get to work. Well, at least it seemed like Russia...or maybe Siberia. Anyway, the plant I work at is so large that you have to walk a long way just to get to your building. And then the buildings are so huge that by the time you get there, you need a rest. At least I do. But then that's because of my unhealthy lifestyle. Anyway, I bought a scooter.

I went to the local Honda dealer looking for a Honda Elite and found a used one ( a really nice Red Deluxe!) I liked in good condition. 874 miles on it!!! Left with it about 2 hours later. It's just a 150 but moves pretty well. It has an automatic drive and goes at least 60mph. Which is as fast as I (1) need to go, and (2) am willing to drive the thing. I only use backroads to get to work, and on my worst route, am on a highway for about 1.5 miles so it's cool. Spent Saturday riding around and getting used to riding again. Last time I rode was on a 350 trail bike about 20 years ago, so it was strange but it comes back to you. And these things are so simple to operate that anyone can ride them.

Colette and I spent Sunday riding around looking for an open shop cause she wants one too. No luck. All moto shops were closed on Sunday. Wassupwitdat? I kinda thought they would all be open cause riders are out on the weekends. Anyway, we went to the Taste of Edmonds and ate some chow, drank a beer and listened to a good CCR tribute band. Got a good sunburn out of it. Two up on the Elite is okay too which I was wondering about. Even coming up out of Edmonds. Just give it more gas and it keeps up. By myself, it gets up and gets away from traffic out of the light which is good cause I hate to be in starting traffic on a bike. Too much chance of getting rear ended by a careless cager.

I think I'm going to get into this thing pretty much. I enjoyed riding before and this part of the country has a lot of rain, but it really doesn't get bitterly cold. So some rain gear and some good gloves (HippoHands) and I think I'll be pretty much set. If I do okay with this scoot, I'm thinking of getting a 750. I don't like the weight of the big bikes and I damn sure don't weight enough to justify that kind of power.

So, after we got out of Edmonds, we rode down Evergreen to Home Depot to get some WD-40 and some Bungee cords. WD for squeaky hinges at home and the cords to hold my briefcase. The wag at the counter commented on the cords (12 for 5 dollars) that I must need all the cords cause the WD is so slippery. I told him no, it was to hold the bike together cause it was so old and he almost bought it. Sunday humor. Go figure.

What's On My Mind

C was watching TV last night and finally got up around 1.00A and asked her to turn it off and she only remarked that she had it as low as it would go. Nothing about the fact I needed to sleep, or that she was sorry for waking me up with the thing, or even acknowledging that constant late nights are not typical behavior. Nothing.

Guess what? She and I are not long for this apt. I'll be d****d if I am going to commit to somebody who only wants to watch TV and drink beer. She burned the carpet with a cig this week and hid it like a child would. Spilling beer and things all over the carpet. I'm not saying I'm for sainthood for tolerating her, but even I have my limits. They bean reached you 'betcha!!

Invisibility. This is the word I need to keep in my mind at all times when riding. Ride like I'm invisible. Assume no one sees me and is not looking for me. Ride like the others are in fact out to kill me and I stand a good chance of living through riding. I just need to take it slow and get the feel of riding again. A good and healthy respect of the risk is important. I want to take a riding class and hear all the good stuff they have to teach you about lessons learned for riding in traffic. I know some already but I want to hear them all. Body by Fisher is always going to win over body by Green.

Just a blip on the throttle of life going to upload this and toddle off to the shower...

Be Joyous!

Toujous Mook Toujours.

<Some Yuban™ and a Marlboro Light™>

"Don't you start away uneasy."

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