September 29, 1997

"But when they were good, they were really good...."

What's New...

Yeesh! The pics of Zoot that got uploaded look absolutely awful. I tried my best to make them look good but it didn't work. I need some better software that's for sure. The Zootster is sacked out on my rain pants. He's had a hard day of playing and wreaking havoc with my stuff. Of course, a cat making starfish paws on something that is supposed to keep out the rain is probably not too good an idea. But, hey, do you move sleeping cats? I know I write a lot about the little dude lately but I have nothing much else to write about.

And how 'bout El Nino? Wouldn't be planning no trips to CA or FL anytime soon. Supposedly, we're supposed to get a drought in WA. Won't be the first time. My bro in the southland remembers the winter of '82-'83 as being pretty bad. I do not. And I was there. Well, my body was there.... I was at Ft. Benning the winter of '83-'84 and it was pretty mild as winters in GA go. Spent the winter in the field and it rained a lot but other than that, nothing severe. The affects must have been over by then. Now the winter of '84-'85 in Korea, now that was something to behold.

New colors and background. Same tired old look. But I like it. It's simple and reads well. I think. It helps to keep my thoughts stimulated. Having two areas to write in allows me to drift back and forth non-sequentially. So as I write, I jump back and forth which can make reading each section in turn a bit odd. Things may not match up. But then, I don't have to read this like a casual reader. I just have to write it. Lucky me. Lucky you. Lucky mud. Hyuuk!!!!!

What's On My Mind

I'm tired.

I just remembered something I remember from time to time. I have two watches at the Jewelers and I need to pick them up! Guaranteed, five years from now I'll be moving and will remember that I forgot to pick them up. Have you ever had that recurring thought or a fleeting thought that you have left something at the cleaners? Are you sure you haven't?

I used to have these dreams about being in college and suddenly realizing that there was a class or classes I hadn't attended in months. Of course, I did that in college. In my second semester, I flunked 12 hours of studies because I didn't go to class. Walking in to take the final in Sociology the Professor looked at me and asked "What are you doing here"? I guess he said that because I hadn't been there all semester. I said I was there to take the final, and he asked me if I thought I could pass it. I told him I was going to try, and he said that it was mathematically possible to pass the course but.... Needless to say, I flunked most egregiously. That semester was a really bad one for me depression wise. I remember just not doing anything because I couldn't do anything. Just sit around, drink coffee and smoke cigarettes. I think I went to one class that semester capped off by going to New Orleans and Mardi Gras. Well, at least I had my priorities right.

I seem to hate myself and my life right now. Don't know why. I'll get back to you when I have an answer. And that just reminded me of my last session with Therapist Bob. I told him that I had been housebound and couldn't get out the weekend before last and that I had nowhere to go and no one to go there with. He looks at me and then says "Ohhhh. Poooor Drew." I just sat there and stared at him thinking now where the fuck did that come from? I'm telling you this so you can get an idea of where I am and you are giving me this shit? I'm going to tell him I was slightly bugged by that comment the next time I see the dude. He'll have some comment like it was supposed to make me angry or something. If he tells me that, I'm going to tell him that I'm perfectly capable of listening to rational comments and applying them and that I don't need goof comments. But then, I could be wrong. Anyway, I hate myself right now. And I don't care if I see the sun again.

Can I go now?

Be Joyous!

'Cause it just don't get any better than this.

<some coffee and a smoke>

"really good strangers."

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