November 09, 1998

What's New

Went shopping for food today. Woo hoo.. Picked up my usual six six-packs of high protein Ensure. Never in my life did I think I would be using Ensure...but ya know what? It's a hell of a great way to eat without fixing's got everything you need and it doesn't get any easier fixing a meal. For a's nirvana. I do about 4-6 cans a day of 225cal Chocolate Royal. No weight gain, all the vitamins, nutrients and whatever else I need. Not bad for an ex-smoker and caffeine head :)

Yakked with a dood from work. He's a contractor and looking for another gig. Sounds okay. He's got the new iMac so we yakked about that mostly. Danger Cat is rolling around on the floor with one of his toy mice. He was running around making those weird cat noises they sometimes make and generally acting like a hosebeast...weird. That's actually their signal that they want to play. He's staring me down now daring me to play...he need his shots and trip to the vet soon to get his nastygram ears cleaned. Hang on....

Sleeping pretty well these days. Even got more than 8 hours last night. Even tho psycho cat woke me up at 3.30A I still got back to sleep which is unusual. 9mg of Melatonin didn't hurt either.

Got this site up at Xoom right now. Kinda thought they had pulled it yesterday since it wouldn't work (there was a message about not being able to access due to upgrades) and I thought it was a smoke-screen since I actually have "swearing" on this site and they FORBID it...hehehe. OH well. It'll only be here another 24-48 hours. If the Xoom Gestapo come down on me in that time sorry. But go Xoom's credit..access is funky popup screens (and how are they making money off me anyway?? selling my info?? weird) and they beat Geocities and Tripod hands down on upload speed. Plus, as I funky popup menus. I wish everyone used Xoom. I wish people bought their own space so we never had popup's again. What an annoyance. This German programmer who makes CDex has his site on Geocities and has code in his HTML to keep the page from completing it's load cycle and thus triggering the popup window...or something like that. Anyway, you go to his page and no popup...I don't think Geocities knows and really...who cares?? :) I ain't tellin...

What's On My Mind

I have been thinking of putting my UH Domain back up on Simplenet. It's going to cost about $100 to setup and $20 a month. Might as well use the domain since it's paid for until next November.

An iMac....for what you're getting as far as processor, memory and's not such a good deal. I need to look around and see if i can scarf a 200Mhz used Mac for around $5-700...hmmm....the bro says he or his ex-wife will buy the IBM 200Mhz w/ Sparq1.0GB drive for $1200 - the monitor. I can use the "17 on the iMac since it will drive 1024X768 which I like. Hmm..... to afford my expensive tastes....hmmm.....I wonder how much plasma they can drain out of me :)

Why did I ever leave the Macintosh? Why? Cause I was brain damaged! I bought the IBM because it was more bang for the buck and on sale and I wanted to run NetObjects Fusion. I sold out for a few dollars and have pretty much regretted it ever since. Windows is such a suck operating system that it What else is there to say? No Win95/98 user I know LOVES their puter or OS. Talk to a Mac, LINUX or Be user..they LOVE their OS/box. What does taht tell you? Hmmm.

Site redesign. This look is over a year old. Time for something new and interesting. I'll do it later tonight after I finish the latest issue of Macworld, lighting candles in front of my icon of Steve Jobs and putting the last of my hatpins thru the eyes of my voodoo doll of Billy G. :)



High Protein Ensure and Water...mmmm....That's Good Bass!!!!! :)

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