November 07, 1998

What's New

Well..what ISN'T new... I haven't kept this up for almost a year. I switched over to a PC HTML proggie and then quit doing the site entirely. In October of this year I lost my hard disk so anything I'd done since 11/16/97 was lost. Not much really. A lot of suicidal stuff and very depressing anyway. I'll only update a few things since to try to cover a year in one page would be nuts.

Let's see..broke the spine on June 1. My fault. Not paying attention at 4AM in Seattle, got surprised by a red light, dew on oily streets, grabbed brakes. Down I go. Drove 38mi back to Everett to Providence Hospital. No hospitalization but mass pain..oh yeah..mass pain. Started doing .mp3's.

Was looking at converting to LINUX or Be but pretty much decided to get a PowerPC Mac and keep on with Mac. Need large HD for my .mp3's :)

What's On My Mind

I feel better mostly. And that's good. Also sleep..Zoot woke me up at 2AM and it's now 8:20P so me go sleep now. Ya'll be cool

Zoot the Cat and win one of his famous scratch and bite sessions!

Water...water is good. No more smoking for a month now and I drink very, very little coffee. Big changes!

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