December 24, 1996

"All my life, I've painted with anger's brush...."


Two entries in two days!!! :-)

Bean thinking....bean on the phone talking with friends and getting an affirmation of my worth...which is quite nice.

But the thing that is percolating through my mind is that I was taught to treat my friends well. To value them and cherish them. I have done this. And, although parents are only as good as they can be...they did their best....and I don't fault them for that. I accept the fact that I am human and make mistakes and they made mistakes. Learn from them and move on....

The world is so filled with love that it's a wonder that the evil things get the most coverage. I have seen the best things and seen the best of people. I have seen the dark and the light. I have seen the other side and seen this side. I have seen. I have loved. I am loved and I love. Love is the transcendant emotion. Love binds the world and binds us to one another. Love is all that matters.

As I near the end of the year, I need to make amends for pain caused, for love lost, for chances missed, for love not communicated, for selfishness, for not appreciating, for those things I have done and those things I have left undone. To wit, I want to thank:

God, Alethea, Cathie, Carolyn, TJ, Jennifer, Doug, Cara, Ed, Brian, Meg, Elizabeth, Tom, Jeff, Jim, Janet, Jane, Barbara, Virginia, Ginny, Lewis, Mark, Pam, Maggy, Tammy, Gabby, Kat, Anne, Keith, John, Bev, Cathy, Tammie, Ray, Ed, Miria, Caitlin, Amy and Emily, Don and Pat, Kevin, Adelle, Ron, Kevin, James, Bill and Kathy (and zygote), Jack, Rick, Vicki, Missy, Paula, Gayle, Betty, Jesus, Krsna, Allah, Mohammed, Buddha, my Higher Power and all the rest of those who have touched me this year and whom I love. I love you...very much.

So...*collective sigh and hitching of belt*....we enter the New Year with our heads held high. We look ahead to the day of brighter possibilities..we simply look ahead....look ahead. Into the light....

Remember....Depression is a TREATABLE is NOT: something to be ashamed of, something to hide, something to bear alone, something for which you alone are responsible, something to lie about, untreatable, tolerable, acceptable, something you have caused, something you are deserving of, something for which nothing can be done....

Depression IS: TREATABLE, not your fault, like high blood pressure, nothing to hide, nothing to bear alone, something to share with others, something to tell the truth about, intolerable, not-acceptable, nothing you deserve to bear, completely fixable.

Please see someone if you have felt down, depressed, sad, worthless, helpless, anxious...for any length of time. Take it from someone who has lived that way most of his can get out from under it. You CAN!!!!! the New Year...fight injustice, help small animals, revere women, respect men, love life, fight evil, pray, love, live, jam, drink, don't smoke, make love (often), kiss, feel, cry, laugh, smile, frown, smile at a baby, talk with an older person, forgive, forget, overcome, appreciate, smell a flower, sneeze, eat, enjoy, play an instrument, sing, dance, sleep in the sun, dream, set goals, fail, believe, think for yourself, live simply....simply live.

All the best ya'll.....


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"Lift me through my love and anger..."